On the date of  09.11.17 in  the framework  of the project  CEP II , workshop  with judges from High Court of  Cassation and  Justice from Romania and  judges from Court of  Appeal  of  the Republic of Moldova took  place. During the event will be issues on    solution for failure to respect the competition and state aid legislation and at the same how to improve benefits for citizens and judges after granted the aid support.

Workshop was opened by the President of Competition Council of the Republic of Moldova and by the Mrs. NICA, Chief of the Department for training and research of the National Institute of Justice of the Republic of Moldova.

In framework of the workshop will speak Mr. MAXIM Member of the Competition Council of the Republic of Moldova, Mrs. MARIN judge at the High Court of Cassation and Justice, Romania, Mrs. BUTACU Director of the Legal Department of the Competition Council of Romania, Mr. PILAN Competition Inspector at the Council Competition of the Romania.

 During the workshop the President of Competition Council of the Republic of Moldova Mrs. Veronica Cărare had a speech about problems and challenges in implementation the competition and state aid law.

Event was organized by the Competition Council of the Republic of Moldova in partnership with National Institute Justice.

This was the second workshop organized in the framework of the project for judges (CEP II).

Competition Council
