The Competition Council examines the simplified notification received from the Agency of Interventions and Payments for Agriculture
The Competition Council examines the simplified notification received from the Agency of Interventions and Payments for Agriculture regarding the budget increase of the support measure no.8 on to the Stimulating investment for the infrastructure development and post harvest processing, of the Government Decision no.135 from 24.02.2014, regarding the distribution procedure of agricultural producers subsidizing fund for the year 2014.The notification became effective on 26.11.2015.The Competition Council is interested in receiving comments and opinions from third parties on this notification, which
The Competition Council was appreciated by EU experts relating to the implementation of Association Agreement provisions
On 22 October 2015 the Competition Council attended the second meeting of the Association Committee in the pattern of Trade Moldova - European Union presenting the "Association Agreement Implementation of the competition chapter"Based on the results, EU experts highly appreciated the progresses achieved by the Republic of Moldova in relation to the implementation of the provisions of the Association Agreement Moldova - European Union, Competition Chapter, and thanked the Competition Council for the enormous work accomplished in this area in
The Competition Council participates at the Competition Global Forum organized by the OECD
For the first time, the Competition Council participated with a speech at the OECD Global Forum of Competition The speech under the topic „ Does competition kill or create jobs – links and drivers between competition and employment”, was delivered by Mrs. Viorica Carare, the President of the Competition Council of the Republic of Moldova and included a description of the normative mechanisms that helped to create / maintain jobs in Moldova, but also the role of the Competition Council
Merger, conflicting with the competitive environment
The Competition Council sanctioned "Scavolin" SRL with a fine of over 21mln. MDL for the take over of "Anesto-Tur" SRL, action which constitutes a non-notified merger, conflicting with the competitive environment.At the same time, according to the Decision of the Competition Council Plenum, the...
Participation at the 7th United Nations Conference On Competition Policy
The Competition Council represents the Republic of Moldova at the 7th Conference of the United Nations to Review the UN Set on Competition Policy, which holds in Geneva during 6-10 July 2015.This event marks the 35th anniversary of the adoption of the Set of Multilaterally Agreed Equitable...
"Professionalism, Competition, Welfare"
In order to promote competition advocacy, the Competition Council announces the start of the campaign "Professionalism, Competition, Welfare", which will start from 30 June,The Competition Day. We invite you to join the race to get interesting and useful seminars on...
Launch of the 2014 Competition Council’s Annual activity Report
The Competition Council Report was launched today, 2nd June. The Document contains an overview of the most important achievements of the authority, examples of completed cases and earnings of cases in courts, which have positive effects on consumer welfare. Also, the...
Sharing experience with our colleagues from the Republic of Belarus
Wednesday, May 13, 2015, Mrs. Viorica Carare, the President of the Competition Council met a delegation from the Republic of Belarus which has been paying a visit to Chisinau within the European Union Project „Capacity Development Facility to support the implementation of sector programmes under...