Seminar on Competition Policy and the Financial Sector
Between 5 to 9 December 2016, in Budapest, Hungary was held a Seminar on Competition Policy and the Financial Sector, which was organized by the OECD-GHV Regional Centre for Competition in Budapest (Hungary) (RCC). This seminar was attended by representatives of the Competition Council: Calin Viorica - superior state controller, Department: Anticompetitive Conduct of Public Authorities and Florea Nadejda - state controller, Department: Anticompetitive Conduct of Public Authorities.On the workshop were invited participants from the competition authorities of Armenia, Azerbaijan,
Study visit to the Competition Authorities of Spain and Austria
In the period 13-19 November 2016, 7 employees of the Competition Council benefited from a study visit to the Spanish and Austrian Competition Authorities, organized in the framework of the Project "Support to the Competition Council".The main topics of the study visit focused on the control of economic concentrations and abuse of dominant position. The participants also had the possibility to familiarize with the practices of the above-mentioned authorities, such as the dawn raids, sanctions for the infringement of the
Educating students in Competition Policy and Law
On October 06-26, 2016 students from the Academy of Economics of Moldova were trained in subjects related to competition policy and law. The lectures were organized as part of the educational activities in the framework of the European Union Project "Support to the Competition Council".The goal of the study course was to enhance the knowledge and understanding of specific aspects of the competition policy and law among the Economics students, in order to contribute to the improvement of the competition
The Competition Council had authorized the merger trough which Î.M. „Orange Moldova” S.A. took over Î.M. „Sun Communications” S.R.L.
On 03.10.2016 the Competition Council had authorized the merger trough which Î.M. „Orange Moldova" S.A. took over Î.M. „Sun Communications" S.R.L.The Competition Council had assessed the economic concentration from the viewpoint of its compatibility with a normal competition environment in accordance with Regulation on economic concentration and found that it does not raise significant obstacles to competition on the Moldavian market or on a significant part of it, especially by creating or consolidating a dominant position.