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Dear Madam President!
03.12.2018   8846 Views   
Dear Madam President,Thank you for everything you have done for us! We are deeply grateful for the support you offered us, for the granted trust, for dedication to our work and especially for the professionalism which you inspired us daily! You always knew how to step in confidence for the success that seemed inaccessible, you taught us not to be afraid to go beyond our own limits, firmly convinced that we will be successful and accomplished!We wish you great health,
Dear Mr. Emil GUŢU and Mr. Veaceslav GUŢUŢUI!
03.12.2018   8763 Views   
Dear Mr. Emil GUŢU and Mr. Veaceslav GUŢUŢUI,The Competition Council team is sincerely grateful for the beautiful collaboration we have had in all these five years. Your input into the activity of the authority, but also in promoting the competitive culture was a considerable one. In this regard, we address our deepest appreciation and respect for the attitude and professionalism you have shown in your day-to-day work.We wish you a lot of inspiration, energy, health and great successes. Maximal achievements
Regional event hosted in Chisinau - International Conference "Investigation procedures and techniques in anti-trust cases"
15.11.2018   6444 Views   
For the first time, the Competition Council gathered representatives from 7 states in a large-scale regional event called "Investigation procedures and techniques in anti-trust cases". The event takes place between November 13th - 15th, 2018, in Chisinau, and is organized by the Competition Council of the Republic of Moldova in partnership with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) of the United States of America.At the conference, are participating representatives from the competition authorities of the Republic of Belarus, the Republic
Strengthening the relations of bilateral cooperation with the Competition Agency of Georgia
13.11.2018   10062 Views   
Viorica CĂRARE, President of the Competition Council of the Republic of Moldova and Nodar KHADURI, President of the Competition Agency of Georgia, gathered today, November 13th, 2018, for a meeting at the headquarters of the Competition Council of the Republic of Moldova. The meeting takes place during the visit of Mr. KHADURI, in Chisinau.During the meeting, were discussed subjects related to strengthening of the professional cooperation between the two authorities; promoting and intensifying the exchange of experience and information, including
Taking over the international experience within the workshop on competition held in Vilnius, Lithuania
10.09.2018   7423 Views   
Between 4 to 5 September 2018, in Vilnius, Lithuania occurred the 11th Annual FTC - Eastern European Competition Workshop organized by the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in cooperation with the Lithuanian competition authority Konkurencijos taryba.This workshop was attended by representatives of the Competition Council of Republic of Moldova: Gabriela CORCIMARI - deputy chief of the Law Department and Nadejda FLOREA - superior state controller, Department of Economic Mergers and Market Researches.The event, which was organized by the U.S. Federal
Conclusion of the second round of negotiations on the Free Trade Agreement between the Republic of Moldova and the People's Republic of China
31.07.2018   1210 Views   
The second round of negotiations on the Free Trade Agreement between the Republic of Moldova and the People s Republic of China took place between 22nd and 27th July 2018 in Beijing, the People s Republic of China. The Moldovan delegation included the representatives of the Competition Council: Mr. Emil Guţu, Vice-President, and Ms. Diana Lapteacru, Head of the Abuse of Dominant Position Department. The negotiated agreement will help to strengthen trade and economic relations between both countries, will facilitate the access
Implementation of the CEFTA commitments regarding state aid and competition discussed in the Republic of Macedonia
18.07.2018   14908 Views   
From July 17th to 18th, 2018, the Competition Council s delegation participates in the meeting of the representatives of the CEFTA member countries (Central European Free Trade Agreement), which is held in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.The event addresses issues related to the implementation of the CEFTA Agreement s commitments regarding ​​state aid and competition. In this respect, the representatives of the Competition Council presented the results obtained especially in the elaboration of the primary and secondary normative acts according to
Open Doors Day at the Competition Council
29.06.2018   9032 Views   
We are continuing to implement the series of events dedicated to the Competition Day.Today, June 29th 2018, the Competition Council opened the doors for a group of teenagers.The event was interactive, the Competition Council s guests were acquainted with general definitions of competition and state aid, informed about the latest decisions and resounding cases, as well as about the activity of the Competition Council and took part in an exclusive trip to the Competition Council s Museum.For 11 years already,
Competition Day among children
28.06.2018   8103 Views   
Beautiful traditions must be preserved, therefore, with the occasion of the Competition Day, we went with gifts for the children from the Community House Ialoveni. This was possible thanks to a charitable action through which the employees of the Competition Council donated financial resources and other goods, to some sad children who are deprived of parenting care.The gifts were given to children by the President of the Competition Council, Mrs. Viorica CĂRARE, who, together with the Community House Manager, Mrs.
The first fine in the case regarding the increase of price of the newsprint
27.06.2018   7787 Views   
The Competition Council has initiated an investigation regarding a possible cartel agreement between the newsprint providers, on the basis of the Competition Council s Plenum Order from 20.06.2018. "Cartnord" S.R.L. company will pay to the state budget over 800 thousand lei for the refusal to comply with the inspection carried out by the employees of the Competition Council, which constitutes a violation of the competition law provisions.Thus, "Cartnord" S.R.L. company limited the access to e-information stored on IT platforms by
Congratulations message on Civil Servant’s day
23.06.2018   8864 Views   
Dear colleagues, civil servantsOn the occasion of the Civil Servant s day, I bring you sincere congratulations and wishes of goodwill. The civil servant s activity is not an easy one, but it is important for an efficient activity of the state institutions. This activity requires a lot of responsibility and dedication, but the goal is a noble one. Civil Servant s Day is an additional opportunity to recognize the value and role of the public service in the country
Discussions regarding competition policy at the World Trade Organization
14.06.2018   6971 Views   
place between June 12th and 14th, 2018 at the World Trade Organization (WTO), in Geneva, the Swiss Confederation. At this event, as representative of the Competition Council is participating Ms. Cristina Zara, Deputy Head of the Policy and Public Relations Department.The purpose of the seminar is to raise the awareness and inform the WTO members of the role of competition policy regarding trade and development. The event focuses on elements of competition policy in existing WTO agreements, including the TRIPS
The results of the Competition Council for 2017
05.06.2018   8067 Views   
The results show an increase in the competition authority s performance, thus last year in the national courts 54 cases were examined in which the Competition Council was a plaintiff, a defendant or a third part. In 90% of the completed cases, the Council won. At the same time, the amount of the sanctions maintained by the courts exceeds with 21% the executed budget of the Competition Council for 2017. As a result of the irregularities detected by the supervisory
We take on international experience in the field of unfair competition and mergers procedures
04.06.2018   5508 Views   
Right now, the Competition Council employees are participating in a new training seminar devoted to unfair competition and mergers procedures, presented by Mr. Russell W. Damtoft, Director of the International Affairs Office, from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) of the United States of America.The welcoming word of the event was provided by Mr. Emil GUŢU, Vice-president of the Competition Council. At this seminar our colleagues will be able to learn the best practices in the field of unfair competition and
The launching of the Competition Council's Activity Report for 2017
01.06.2018   3750 Views   
Competition Council announces the launching of the activity report of the Competition Council for 2017, which will take place on Tuesday, June 5th, 2018, starting at 10.00, at the Competition Council headquarters, conference hall, 73/1 Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfânt avenue, Chişinau.In the course of the event will be presented the results obtained by the Competition Council during the year 2017 on the implementation of competition and state aid legislation, elaborated according to the European standards, the actions of promoting
The role of state authorities in creating a fair competition environment discussed in Belarus at the International Conference
30.05.2018   1579 Views   
At the moment, in the framework of the International Conference on problems of antimonopoly regulations, which takes place from 29 to 31 May 2018, in Minsk, Belarus, Mrs. Viorica CARARE, the President of Competition Council is presenting the experience of the Republic of Moldova. It is the first time when the subject of public institution s involvement in the process of building a fair competition environment has been examined by the participants.  In the meanwhile, within the event, a Memorandum
The Role of State Authorities in providing a Loyal Competitive Environment -Discussed at the International Conference in the Republic of Belarus
29.05.2018   1549 Views   
At the moment, at the International Conference on Anti-monopoly Regulations, which takes place in Minsk, Republic of Belarus, on 29th - 31st May, 2018, Viorica CĂRARE, President of the Competition Council, shares the experience of the Republic of Moldova in the state aid and competition domain. This is the first time that the subject of the importance of involving all state authorities in promotion of a loyal competition environment is debated.Additionally, a Memorandum of cooperation in the field of competition
Continuing technical assistance on competition and state aid via TAIEX
25.05.2018   3651 Views   
Today, Mrs. Viorica CARARE, President of Competition Council, met with the representative of Directorate-General for Competition of European Commission, Mr. Mihai KELLER, Head of TAIEX and Twinning projects. The objective of the meeting was to discuss the new priorities of collaboration with European Commission in order to promote the experience of the Competition Council via TAIEX projects.  Since its foundation, the Competition Council has implemented numerous EU projects, focusing on the priority of transfer and implementation of the best EU practices
Basic Concepts and Procedures of the Competition Law, OECD Regional Competition Center in Budapest, Hungary
22.05.2018   3068 Views   
Between May 14th and 18th, 2018, a Competition Council delegation attended a seminar on the Basic Concepts and Procedures of the Competition Law, organized by the OECD Regional Competition Center in Budapest, Hungary.The purpose of this seminar was to contribute to a better understanding of the competition field by the staff with less experience from the competition authorities in several countries.During the seminar, the employees of the authority took part in training in the field of competition protection, estimation of
We promote the open dialogue with representatives of local public authorities
18.05.2018   4092 Views   
We promote the open discussions with the representatives of local public authorities. Today s event brought together over 120 representatives of local public authorities and economic agents from Soroca, Drochia and Floresti districts to a discussion regarding the implementation of competition policies.During the event, were discussed the implementation of competition law and the National Competition and State Aid Program, in particular: the role of local public authorities in the protection of a competitive environment, upholding the competition law in supplying
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